Cover Osteuropa 1-2/2019

In Osteuropa 1-2/2019

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On reading and the book market in Russia

Birgit Menzel

Deutsche Fassung


The book market and reading culture in Russia have changed dramatically since the collapse of the Soviet Union. Reading has lost its prestige. The number of readers is declining, and fewer books are being sold. On the book market concentration of publishing houses is growing, while the readership is becoming increasingly fragmented. The interests of readers in the large cities and in the provinces, and among the different generations, are drifting further apart. This development is being accelerated by digitalisation. At the same time, new technologies give reason for hope, since with their help, the structural problems on the Russian book market and the lack of sales networks can be overcome. The impact of state programmes aimed at promoting a reading culture is limited.

(Osteuropa 1-2/2019, pp. 119–137)