Cover Osteuropa 2-3/2009

In Osteuropa 2-3/2009

In Defence of Freedom
Reflections on 1989

Adam Michnik

Deutsche Fassung


The year 1989 brought a revolution without revolution. The struggle against Communism revealed a belief in the importance of human freedom. But this freedom brought with it paradoxes. The workers who went on strike to win their freedom were the first victims of the transformation. Solidarność strongholds went bankrupt. But throughout this great expanse, save for the Balkans and Russia, there have never been a better 20 years than the past two decades. Today, Europe is being put to the test. Cynicism, which undermines every value system, and authoritarian temptations are threatening freedom. The defence of the republic is at stake.

(Osteuropa 2-3/2009, pp. 9–18)