Cover Osteuropa 5-6/2014

In Osteuropa 5-6/2014

Unity and Identity
Language Policy after the Maidan

Volodymyr Kulyk

Deutsche Fassung


In a multinational country such as Ukraine, the language question is a sensitive issue. Language can quickly become a political issue. This was seen shortly after the fall of Viktor Yanukovych, when the Ukrainian parliament attempted to suspend the language law of 2012 and downgrade the status of Russian. Ukraine needs a new language policy. The starting point must be human rights. A positive attitude towards linguistic diversity and the special role of Ukrainian as a symbol of national independence should be core elements of such a language policy. It is imperative to reconcile Russian-speaking citizens to their country and at the same time create conditions for improving mastery and boosting use of the Ukrainian language.

(Osteuropa 5-6/2014, pp. 227–238)