Cover Osteuropa 2-3/2011

In Osteuropa 2-3/2011

All Quiet on the Northern Front?
The Arctic in Russia’s Security Policy

Kristian Åtland

Deutsche Fassung


The Soviet Union considered the Arctic a territory of great military significance. Since the end of the East-West conflict, this has changed fundamentally. The military dimension of Russia’s Arctic policy plays a clearly smaller role. Moscow cooperates with other countries across former bloc borders and participates in circumpolar regional organisations. In addition, a number of large companies play an important role in the far north today. Although danger is more likely to threaten Russia on its southern border, the Arctic is still seen as a space that is not only of great economic significance but of relevance to security policy. Nonetheless, the potential for conflict in the Arctic should not be overestimated.

(Osteuropa 2-3/2011, pp. 243–256)