Cover Osteuropa 5/2009

In Osteuropa 5/2009

Soul in the West, Body in the East
Poles and Europe in Stefan Kisielewski’s Published Work

Paulina Gulińska-Jurgiel

Deutsche Fassung


For more than half a century, Stefan Kisielewski followed the political development of People’s Republic of Poland as a feature writer and chronologist. He saw it as Poland’s role to mediate culturally and intellectually between East and West, in order to bring together Europe’s divided parts. His travels to the Soviet Union and Western Europe were fuelled by this motivation. He argued for an unbiased view of the Soviet Union and was irritated by West German disinterest in Europe’s east. Kisielewski did not divine the significance that the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe was to have in overcoming the East-West conflict. But he clung to the idea of Europe’s cultural unity.

(Osteuropa 5/2009, pp. 73–86)